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Dr Ruslan Ramanau

Dr Ruslan  Ramanau

Profile summary

Professional biography

Dr Ruslan Ramanau is a Lecturer in E-Learning at The Open University Business School.

His first degree was in Linguistics and Teacher Education from Vitebsk State Pedagogical Institute in Belarus. He did his Master of Education degree at The Graduate School of Education at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey in the USA, which is where he got involved in the field of distance and e-learning. After returning to teach at the Institute for Contemporary Issues in Belarus, Ruslan was involved in a number of international projects in the field under the auspices of the US-funded IREX (International Research and Education Exchange Board) and CEP (Civic Education Project). In the academic year of 2001-2002 he was visiting postgraduate student at the Educational Studies Department of the University of Oxford in the UK.

From 2002 to 2007 he completed a Master of Science in Research Methods for Educational Technology and a PhD in Educational Technology degrees at the Institute of Educational Technology of the Open University. Supervised by Professor John Richardson and Dr Barbara Hodgson Ruslan looked at cross-cultural and cross-contextual differences in student experiences of technology-mediated learning on the Professional Certificate and Professional Diploma of Management courses taught in the UK and in Russia.

In 2007 he joined the Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development where he worked for one year as a Research Fellow in E-Learning on the Pathfinder project, investigating student uses of e-learning technologies in their university studies. From May 2008 until August 2009 he was working as a Research Assistant in the Institute of Educational Technology fo the Open University on the ESRC-funded national project on the nature of learning experiences among "The Net Generation" students in five universities in the UK. In August 2009 he joined The Open University Business School as a Lecturer in E-Learning.

Dr Ramanau has several publications on technology-mediated learning in international conference proceedings and academic journals. His interests are in the areas of cross-cultural differences in e-learning, self- and group regulation in online learning settings.


Research groups

NameTypeParent Unit
International Management Practice, Education and Learning ThemeThemeThe Faculty of Business and Law


‘It's extremely weird to understand UK culture when you don't live there and just study from abroad’: An empirical investigation of internationalisation at a distance perspectives (2024)
Rienties, Bart and Ramanau, Ruslan
British Journal of Educational Technology ((Early access))

Exploring cross-disciplinary differences in course mode, instructional tools and teaching methods in online courses in business & management (2021-11)
Albert, S.; Fulton, D.; Ramanau, R. and Janes, A.
The International Journal of Management Education, 19, Article 100532(3)

Introducing computer-marked tests in an online Financial Accounting course: patterns in academic performance and approaches to assessment design (2020)
Ramanau, Ruslan; Hughes, Jane and Grayson, Paul
Advances in Accounting Education, 24 (pp. 195-214)

Internationalization at a Distance: A Study of the Online Management Curriculum (2016-10-01)
Ramanau, Ruslan
Journal of Management Education, 40(5) (pp. 545-575)

Net generation or Digital Natives: Is there a distinct new generation entering university? (2010-04)
Jones, Chris; Ramanau, Ruslan; Cross, Simon and Healing, Graham
Computers & Education, 54(3) (pp. 722-732)

Learning and living technologies: a longitudinal study of first-year students' frequency and competence in the use of ICT (2010)
Hosein, Anesa; Ramanau, Ruslan and Jones, Chris
Learning Media and Technology, 35(4) (pp. 403-418)

Student learning technology use: preferences for study and contact (2009-03)
Benfield, Greg; Ramanau, Ruslan and Sharpe, Rhona
Brookes E-Journal of Learning and Teaching, 2(4)

Investigation of the legislation of control effectiveness of labor of scientific groups (2018)
Orekhov, Viktor; Ramanau, Ruslan and Melnik, Michael
In : 34th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development / 18th International Social Congress (ISC) (18-19 Oct 2018, Moscow) (pp. 669-678)

Becoming an International Distance Learner: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on the Initial Period Study (2013-06)
Ramanau, Ruslan and Lyubov, Krashenninikova
In : 20th International EDiNEB Conference: Future Skills for Competitive Business Education (5-7 Jun 2013, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom)

Contextualizing Distance Business and Management Education: a Case of the UK Open University and IIM LINK in Russia (2012-10)
Ramanau, Ruslan and Krasheninnikova, Lyubov
In : 11th European Conference on eLearning (26-27 Oct 2012, Groningen, The Netherlands) (pp. 645-649)

International management learning: comparative study of the Open University students (2011-12)
Ramanau, Ruslan and Tyler, Sheila
In : Proceedings of the European Humanities University Conference: Social Sciences, Humanities and Higher Education in Eastern Europe after 1991, Vilnius, Lithuania (14-16 Jun 2011, Vilnius, Lithuania)

Net generation distance learners and patterns of their digital technology use (2011-07-20)
Ramanau, Ruslan; Jones, Chris and Hosein, Anesa
In : IADIS International Conference on E-Learning (20-23 Jul 2011, Rome, Italy)

International management learning: comparative study of The Open University students (2011-05)
Ramanau, Ruslan and Tyler, Sheila
In : The Higher Education Academy Business Management Accountancy and Finance Network Conference 2011 (10-11 May 2011, Bournemouth, UK)

Are all net generation students the same? The frequency of technology use at university (2010-07)
Hosein, A.; Ramanau, R. and Jones, C.
In : IADIS E-Learning Conference (26-29 Jul 2010, Freiberg, Germany)

Learning and living technologies: a longitudinal study of first-year students' expectations and experiences in the use of ICT (2010-05-03)
Ramanau, Ruslan; Hosein, Anesa and Jones, Chris
In : 7th International Conference on Networked Learning (3-4 May 2010, Aalborg, Denmark) (pp. 627-634)

Going global: considerations and challenges in designing a 'global' MBA (2010)
Robinson, Sarah; Ramanau, Ruslan; Reid, Kristen and Honnor, Keith
In : Networked Learning Conference 2010 (3-4 May 2010, Maastricht, The Netherlands)

Distance study with the Open University: Views from Russia (2009-10-12)
Ramanau, Ruslan
In : International Online Conference, Internet in Education (12 Oct 2009, Moscow, Russia)

Collaboration and the Net generation: The changing characteristics of first year university students (2009-06)
Jones, Chris and Ramanau, Ruslan
In : Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Practices (8-13 Jun 2009, Rhodes, Greece)

The Net Generation enters university: What are the implications for Technology Enhanced Learning? (2009-06)
Jones, Chris and Ramanau, Ruslan
In : M-2009: Proceedings of the 23rd ICDE World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education including the 2009 EADTU Annual Conference (7-10 Jun 2009, Maastricht, NL)

Researching the use of Wikis to facilitate group work (2009-01)
Ramanau, Ruslan and Geng, Fawei
In : World Conference on Educational Sciences, New Trends and Issues in Educational Sciences (04-07 Feb 2009, Nicosia, North Cyprus)

Exploring patterns of student learning technology use in their relationship to self-regulation and perceptions of learning community (2008-05-05)
Ramanau, Ruslan; Sharpe, Rhona and Benfield, Greg
In : Sixth International Conference on Networked Learning (5-6 May 2008, Halkidiki, Greece)

Perceptions of Interaction and Learner Autonomy - A Cross-Cultural Inquiry into Distance Learning Experiences in the Context of the UK and Russia (2006)
Ramanau, Ruslan
In : Proceedings of EDEN (European Distance Education Network) Annual Conference (14-18 Jun 2006, Vienna Institute of Technology, Austria) (pp. 387-393)