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Ms Meng-Chin Tsai

Profile summary

Professional biography

Following a degree in Land Economics from Taiwan, I started my Ph.D. project at OU in October 2022. In my past academic study, I worked with interdisciplinary teams related to real estate and built and environment topics. I am trained in a geomatic group that perfectionates in the knowledge of geographic information science, remote sensing, and other related analysing techniques for better-capturing changes and sensitivity through satellite images or other data formats. I am keen to apply these spatial analysis skills to developing decision-making solutions in social science topics.


Research interests

As an international student here in the UK, I would like to expand my view and gain insights into new perspectives beyond national boundaries.  My Ph.D. topic is to bridge a connection between cities in the UK and Taiwan, focusing on urban greening actions to achieve heat resilience. The prospect of this is to discuss peoples' perceptions at different scales so as to integrate citizen participation into future green space design.

Impact and engagement

Most recent impact and engagements:

- Invited as a panelist in the Open Conversation COP event 2022


Nature can cool cities, but proceed with caution (2023-09-21)
Mabon, Leslie; Connor, Ben; Moncaster, Alice; Pearce, Catherine; Pratt, Eleanor; Shih, Wan-Yu; Tsai, Meng-Chin; Vseteckova, Jitka; Waights, Verina and Wolstenholme, Ruth
Urban Transformations, 5, Article 11(1)

Framework and Use Case for a Web-Based Interactive Analysis Tool to Investigate Urban Expansion and Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (2022)
Tsai, Meng-Chin and van Gasselt, Stephan
GI_Forum, 10(2) (pp. 18-31)