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The Robert Minter Collection: A Handlist of Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Trumpet Repertory

Trevor Herbert

This site contains a database of music collected by Robert Minter. It does not contain images of the music itself, but it does include information about the music and the depository where each piece is kept. Minter’s interest was in the collection of sources that contribute to our understanding of the trumpet at various points in its history before the twentieth century.

The site includes some background information on Robert Minter and the collection, as well as an explanation of how the handlist has been ordered and how to use it.

Robert Minter

Important – copyright

This site can be used freely and you may quote from it without obtaining permission. However, if you do quote from it, you are required to acknowledge it in the following manner:

Herbert, Trevor (2008) The Robert Minter Collection: a handlist of sources,, [date of access].