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Impact evaluation before, during and after Covid-19 - challenges and opportunities

Wednesday, March 9, 2022 - 10:00 to 11:30
Microsoft Teams

This online workshop will reflect upon the opportunities and challenges many of us have faced while undertaking impact evaluations for community-based voluntary organisations before, during and after Covid-19.

In the first part of the workshop Dr Francesca Calo, Lecturer in Management in the Faculty of Business and Law, and Hugh McLean, Director of Lorn Healthy Options, will discuss together their experiences of evaluating and being evaluated. The focus will be on the challenges and opportunities of conducting evaluation and how Covid-19 might potentially change evaluation practices.

Hugh was a senior manager in an international speciality chemical company. More relevant to this event he has 30 years experience as a voluntary community activist in Oban (west Scotland) leading 2 significant successful developments and carried out research, for Carnegie UK Trust into what makes community organisations successful.

The second part of the workshop will be dedicated to sharing reflections, challenges and potential solutions and plans for future evaluation through a more interactive session which will include breakout rooms and facilitating activities.

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