audio record
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Hurricane Katrina led to the compulsory evacuation of all the residents of New Orleans. They were sent to shelters in distant destinations ranging from Houston to Tennessee. The scale of the meant that most were unable to stay with or near family. But new research finds that this trauma was compounded by the authorities' failure to recognise the prevalence of extended families amongst the New Orleans poor. The trailers to which they re-located were set up for nuclear families as was the reconstructed housing to which they returned. The American social scientist Michael Rendall discusses post Katrina family breakdown with Laurie Taylor. Also, the process of remembering Communism in Central Eastern Europe. The historian James Mark's new book considers how countries come to terms with the legacies of the past. He joins the Psychology lecturer, Dr Jovan Byford, to question whether people's actual memories of the communist era at odds with officially imposed narratives?
Metadata describing this Open University audio programme
Series: Thinking allowed; Series 2011
First transmission date: 2011-06-01
Original broadcast channel: BBC Radio 4
Published: 2011
Rights Statement: Rights owned or controlled by The Open University
Restrictions on use: This material can be used in accordance with The Open University conditions of use. A link to the conditions can be found at the bottom of all OU Digital Archive web pages.
Duration: 00:30:00
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Producer: Charlie Taylor
Presenter: Laurie Taylor
Contributors: Jovan Byford; James Mark; Michael Rendall; Laurie Taylor
Publisher: BBC Open University
Production number: AUDA501B
Available to public: no