audio record
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Gardening is the epitome of a peaceful pasttime, associated as it is with semi-somnolent suburban weekends, the sound of hedges being carefully clipped and the reassuring aroma of freshly mown gras...s. The notion of 'radical' gardening implies little more than a concerted attack on the mass of weeds accumulated in an herbaceous border or a garden makeover culminating in a fully decked patio. However, there is a radical history to gardening and it has been the site of protest and counterculture in Britain from the Levellers and the Diggers in the 17th century to today's so-called Guerrilla Gardeners. On today's Thinking Allowed Laurie is joined by George McKay and Tim Jordan to discuss the protest, politics and plots of the garden. Also on the programme, Tracy Shildrick on her illuminating study of the underprivileged of Teeside and why nobody describes themselves as poor.
Metadata describing this Open University audio programme
Series: Thinking allowed; Series 2011
First transmission date: 2011-05-04
Original broadcast channel: BBC Radio 4
Published: 2011
Rights Statement: Rights owned or controlled by The Open University
Restrictions on use: This material can be used in accordance with The Open University conditions of use. A link to the conditions can be found at the bottom of all OU Digital Archive web pages.
Duration: 00:30:00
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Producer: Charlie Taylor
Presenter: Laurie Taylor
Contributors: Tim Jordan; George McKay; Tracy Shildrick; Laurie Taylor
Publisher: BBC Open University
Production number: AUDA727B
Available to public: no