video record
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The view from the top of business. Presented by Evan Davis, the Bottom Line cuts through confusion, statistics and spin to present a clearer view of the business world, through discussion with peop...le running leading and emerging companies. Evan Davis asks his panel of top business guests whether it's luck that got them to the top, talent or sheer hard graft. They also talk about design: what matters most, form or function? Evan is joined by Geoff Quinn, chief executive of shirt, tie and suit-makers TM Lewin, the interior designer Kelly Hoppen, who has created homes for celebrity clients including the Beckhams and Elton John, and James Hussey, chief executive of De la Rue, the company that makes bank notes and passports.
Metadata describing this Open University video programme
Series: The bottom line; Series 4
Episode 4
First transmission date: 20-02-2010
Published: 2010
Rights Statement:
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Duration: 00:30:00
Note: BBC News Channel version
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Producer: Neil Koenig
Presenter: Evan Davis
Contributors: Evan Davis; Kelly Hoppen; James Hussey; Geoff Quinn
Publisher: BBC Open University
Link to related site: Radio 4 website:
BBC News website:
Production number: JOUA563N
Videofinder number: 81686
Available to public: no