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Dr Salih Gungor

Profile summary

Professional biography

Dr Salih Güngör is a senior lecturer in Materials Engineering in the School of Engineering and Innovation. After receiving his BSc and MSc in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at METU, he obtained his PhD at The Open University with his work on small fatigue cracks. After working on several post-doctoral projects at the Universities of Sheffield and Oxford, he joined The Open University in 2002 as a lecturer.

Research interests

Salih has over 25 years of research experience in applying optically-based experimental methods for characterizing in-situ behaviour of materials and structures. His recent interests include the application of Digital Image Correlation for strain measurement in high temperature tests, in particular for the characterisation of creep behaviour of weldments. He is the Open University lead in EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Nuclear Energy Futures, which is a postgraduate training consortium comprising, Imperial College London, Cambridge University, The Open University, University of Bristol and Bangor University. He is a past chairman of the British Society for Strain Measurement (

Research projects that he has been involved in include:

  • Accelerated fatigue testing of carburized steels (METU, Turkey)
  • Characterisation of small fatigue crack behaviour in aluminium alloys (The Open University, GKN)
  • Characterisation of fatigue and fracture behaviour in materials using the optical method of caustics (The Open University, SERC)
  • Characterisation of fracture mechanics parameters in materials using photoelasticity (University of Sheffield, Airbus, DERA)
  • Design with Metal Matrix Composites (Oxford University, EPSRC)
  • Application of micro-moiré for detailed stress analysis of aircraft structures (Oxford University, Brite-Euram, Airbus)
  • Development of a moiré interferometer for fatigue studies (Oxford University, Rolls Royce)
  • Analysis of fastened spar-to-skin joint in carbon-composite wings (Oxford University, Airbus, DERA)
  • Strain localization during high strain rate testing of materials (Oxford University, DERA)
  • High rate material testing of damping materials (Oxford University, Rolls-Royce)
  • Measurement of residual stresses in Ti-SiC composites using moiré interferometry (Oxford University, Rolls-Royce)
  • Strain measurement techniques applied to solder joints (The Open University)
  • Constitutive modelling of the structural integrity of lead-free solder joints (The Open University)
  • Microstructure evolution during thermo-mechanical processing of two phase titanium alloys (The Open University, Qinetiq)
  • Effects of plastic strain and heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of 316 stainless steel tubing (The Open University, EDF)
  • Measurement of creep behaviour of structural materials and welds using DIC (The open University, EDF)
  • Characterisation of Microscale Stresses and Strains Resulting from Martensitic Phase Transformations (The Open University)
  • Transferability Of Small-Specimen Data To Large-Scale Component Fracture Assessment (The Open University, EPSRC)
  • DMW-Creep: Influence of Inhomogeneity on Creep of Dissimilar Metal Welds (The Open University, EPSRC)

Teaching interests

Salih’s teaching activities are varied and include structural integrity, fracture mechanics, structural mechanics and dynamics, materials behaviour, forensic engineering and personal development. He is a member of the following module teams at The Open University:

  • T174       Engineering the future
  • T176       Engineering: professions, practice and skills 1
  • T198       Engineering at work
  • T207       Engineering: mechanics, materials, design
  • T272       Core Engineering B
  • T276       Engineering: professions, practice and skills 2
  • T357       Structural integrity: designing against failure (Module team chair)
  • T452       BEng project
  • T460       The MEng individual project (Production chair)
  • T839       Forensic engineering (Module team chair)
  • TXR120   Engineering: an active introduction
  • TXR220   Engineer in action
  • T367       Structural integrity: predicting and assessing performance (Production chair)

Research groups

NameTypeParent Unit
Materials Engineering GroupGroupFaculty of Mathematics, Computing and Technology


Externally funded projects

EPSRC Centre For Doctoral Training (CDT) - Nuclear Energy
RoleStart dateEnd dateFunding source
Lead01 Apr 201930 Sep 2027EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

An existing CDT led by the Centre for Nuclear Engineering (CNE) at Imperial College in collaboration with multi-disciplinary nuclear groups at Cambridge (Nuclear Energy Centre, CNEC) and The Open Universities, is now joined by the University of Bristol and Bangor University to form a new Nuclear CDT, bringing together over 50 academics with internationally-leading research across nuclear materials (e.g. primary circuit structures, fuels, structural materials and wasteforms), joining/manufacturing technologies, structural integrity assessment methods and standards, thermal hydraulics, geological storage and disposal (e.g. rock mechanics), safety and security (e.g. accident modelling and structural integrity), nuclear technology policy and public engagement, plant decommissioning and clean up, regulation, new nuclear build, advanced reactor technology, the fuel cycle, plant life extension, and naval nuclear propulsion.


Creep deformation measurement of ex‐service 12% Cr steel over nonuniform stress fields using digital image correlation (2022)
Rooyen, Melody; Forsey, Alexander N.; Gungor, Salih and Becker, Thorsten H.
Strain, 58, Article e12400(1)

Texture Evolution during Thermal Processing of Ti-6Al-4V: A Neutron Diffraction Study (2021-04-01)
Perumal, Bama; Gungor, Salih; Kockelmann, W.; Fitzpatrick, Michael E. and Bhavani, P.
SVOA Materials Science and Technology, 3(2) (pp. 13-23)

The τ-plot, a multicomponent 1-D pole figure plot, to quantify the heterogeneity of plastic deformation (2020-02)
Simm, T. H.; Das, Y. B.; Forsey, A. N.; Gungor, S.; Fitzpatrick, M. E.; Prakash, D. G. L.; Moat, R. J.; Birosca, S.; da Fonseca, J. Quinta and Perkins, K. M.
Materials Characterization, 160, Article 110114

Examining Stress Relaxation in a Dissimilar Metal Weld Subjected to Postweld Heat Treatment (2018-11)
Abburi Venkata, K.; Khayatzadeh, S.; Achouri, A.; de Oliveira, J. Araujo; Forsey, A. N.; Gungor, S.; Bouchard, P. J. and Truman, C. E.
Materials Performance and Characterization, 7(4) (pp. 675-692)

Mechanical Property Heterogeneity in Additively Manufactured Nickel Superalloy (2018-01-17)
Forsey, Alex; Das, Yadunandan; Simm, Thomas H.; Clark, Dan; Boswell, John; Gungor, Salih and Moat, Richard
Materials Science and Engineering A, 712 (pp. 681-684)

The influence of temperature on deformation-induced martensitic transformation in 301 stainless steel (2018)
Das, Yadunandan B.; Forsey, Alexander N.; Kelleher, Joe; Kabra, Saurabh; Fitzpatrick, Michael E.; Simm, Thomas H.; Gungor, Salih and Moat, Richard J.
Materials Science and Technology, 34(17) (pp. 2114-2125)

Residual stress measurement round robin on an electron beam welded joint between austenitic stainless steel 316L(N) and ferritic steel P91 (2017-07)
Javadi, Y.; Smith, M.C.; Abburi Venkata, K.; Naveed, N.; Forsey, A.N.; Francis, J.A.; Ainsworth, R.A.; Truman, C.E.; Smith, D.J.; Hosseinzadeh, F.; Gungor, S.; Bouchard, P. J.; Dey, H.C.; Bhaduri, A.K. and Mahadevan, S.
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 154 (pp. 41-57)

Measurement of Creep Deformation across Welds in 316H Stainless Steel Using Digital Image Correlation (2017-02-28)
Sakanashi, Y.; Gungor, S.; Forsey, A. N. and Bouchard, P. J.
Experimental Mechanics, 57(2) (pp. 231-244)

In situ observation of strain and phase transformation in plastically deformed 301 austenitic stainless steel (2016-12-15)
Das, Yadunandan B.; Forsey, Alexander N.; Simm, Thomas H.; Perkins, Karen M.; Fitzpatrick, Michael E.; Gungor, Salih and Moat, Richard J.
Materials & Design, 112 (pp. 107-116)

Demosaicing images from colour cameras for digital image correlation (2016-11)
Forsey, A. and Gungor, S.
Optics and lasers in engineering, 86 (pp. 20-28)

The Effect of Hot Deformation Parameters on Microstructure Evolution of the α-Phase in Ti-6Al-4V (2016-08-01)
Perumal, Bama; Rist, Martin A.; Gungor, Salih; Brooks, Jeffery W. and Fitzpatrick, Michael E.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 47(8) (pp. 4128-4136)

Determination of normal and shear residual stresses from fracture surface mismatch (2015-10-15)
Araujo de Oliveira, J.; Kowal, J.; Gungor, S. and Fitzpatrick, M. E.
Materials & Design, 83(C) (pp. 176-184)

Determination of multiple near-surface residual stress components in laser peened aluminum alloy via the contour method (2015-09)
Toparli, M. Burak; Fitzpatrick, Michael E. and Gungor, Salih
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 46(9) (pp. 4268-4275)

Experimental and numerical study of strength mismatch in cross-weld tensile testing (2015-08)
Acar, Murat O. and Gungor, Salih
Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 50(6) (pp. 349-365)

An etching based axisymmetric solution for the determination of residual stresses in long fibre reinforced metal matrix composites (2014)
Durodola, J. F.; Parikh, T. S.; Fellows, N. A. and Gungor, S.
Journal of Composite Materials, 48(19) (pp. 2375-2386)

Improvement of the contour method for measurement of near-surface residual stresses from laser peening (2013-11)
Toparli, M. B.; Fitzpatrick, M. E. and Gungor, S.
Experimental Mechanics, 53(9) (pp. 1705-1718)

Intergranular strains in pre-strained and welded pipes (2010)
Acar, M. O.; Bouchard, P. John; Quinta da Fonseca, Joao; Fitzpatrick, Michael E. and Gungor, Salih
Materials Science Forum, 652 (pp. 13-18)

Rate-dependent deformation of Sn–3.5Ag lead-free solder (2009-11-04)
Sefton, D. E.; Rist, M. A. and Gungor, S.
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 20(11) (pp. 1083-1089)

Determination of the profile of the complete residual stress tensor in a VPPA weld using the multi-axial contour method (2008-10)
Kartal, M. E.; Liljedahl, C. D. M.; Gungor, S.; Edwards, L. and Fitzpatrick, M. E.
Acta Materialia, 56(16) (pp. 4417-4428)

Determination of weld metal mechanical properties utilising novel tensile testing methods (2007)
Kartal, M.; Molak, R.; Turski, M.; Gungor, S.; Fitzpatrick, M. E. and Edwards, L.
Applied Mechanics and Materials, 7-8 (pp. 127-132)

Use of micro tensile test samples in determining the remnant life of pressure vessel steels (2007)
Molak, R. M.; Kartal, M.; Pakiela, Z.; Manaj, W.; Turski, M.; Hiller, S.; Gungor, S.; Edwards, L. and Kurzydłowski, K. J.
Applied Mechanics and Materials, 7-8 (pp. 187-194)

Residual stress measurements in single and multi-pass groove weld specimens using neutron diffraction and the contour method (2006)
Kartal, M.; Turski, M.; Johnson, G.; Fitzpatrick, M. E.; Gungor, S.; Withers, P.J. and Edwards, L.
Materials Science Forum, 524-525 (pp. 671-676)

Residual stress measurements in fibre reinforced titanium alloy composites (2002)
Gungor, Salih
Acta Materialia, 50(8) (pp. 2053-2073)

Measurement of local creep properties in stainless steel welds (2012-09-25)
Sakanashi, Y.; Gungor, S. and Bouchard, J.
In : 4th International Conference on Integrity of High Temperature Welds (25-27 Sep 2012, London)

Numerical study of strength mismatch in cross-weld tensile testing (2011-10)
Acar, M. O.; Gungor, S.; Fitzpatrick, M. E. and Bouchard, P. J.
In : International Congress on Advances in Welding Science and Technology for Construction, Energy and Transportation Systems (AWST 2011) (24-25 Oct 2011, Antalya, Turkey)

Measurement of Creep Deformation in Stainless Steel Welded Joints (2011)
Sakanashi, Y.; Gungor, S. and Bouchard, P. J.
In : Proceedings of the 2011 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics; Volume 5 Optical Measurements, Modeling, and Metrology (11-16 Jun 2011, Uncasville, CT, USA) (pp. 371-378)

Effect of prior cold work on the mechanical properties of weldments (2010-06)
Acar, Murat; Gungor, Salih; Bouchard, Peter and Fitzpatrick, M. E.
In : Proceedings of the 2010 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics (7-10 Jun 2010, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA)

Variation of mechanical properties in a multi-pass weld measured using digital image correlation (2009-06-01)
Acar, Murat; Gungor, Salih; Ganguly, Supriyo; Bouchard, Peter and Fitzpatrick, M. E.
In : Society of Experimental Mechanics Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics 2009 (1-4 Jun 2009, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA) (pp. 288-293)

Fatigue studies in Al-Mg-Si alloys (1990)
Gungor, Salih
PhD thesis The Open University