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Sustainability news

The last day of COP26

The negotiations may run into the weekend, and however gloomy the press will be, COP26 has taken many steps forward.

12th November 2021

Totem brought messages of climate change for COP26

Professor Graham Harvey, with colleagues at Border Crossings brought a totem pole from Mexico to the UK with a powerful message about climate change’s impact on Indigenous people.

12th November 2021

Informal stocktaking

Alok Sharma outlined progress so far, detailing negotiations that have taken place and the ministers charged with specific tasks. Time is running out, he said, urging all parties to work in a spirit of compromise to achieve the best outcomes.

11th November 2021

More questions than answers

Lack of funding commitments, weak language adopted in the text and a shift from ‘common but differentiated responsibilities’ towards ‘common and shared responsibilities’ were some of the concerns highlighted.

11th November 2021

Uncomfortable truths

Perhaps when my house is flooded, when my land is stolen, when I have no shoes, no home, no food, perhaps then I’ll wish I’d stayed a little longer and thought a little harder about how to stop history repeating itself.

10th November 2021

Are local communities heard at COP26?

The Bangladeshi women found their voices on the climate crisis by taking photos of impacts and solutions on smartphones provided to them by the project.

10th November 2021

Reflections on Day 1 (Week 2)

Loosing homelands to floods or harvests and livestock to droughts are just a few examples of how the poorer communities experience climate change.

9th November 2021

Mixed feelings

On the train through to Glasgow I sat beside a group of young activists who had taken the day off school to attend the protests. They are angry and rightfully so.

8th November 2021

A reflection

Peta Milan, CEO-Founder of Jet Group, discussed the need to move on from obsessing about sustainability theory – “why are we wanting to sustain a failed model?” and instead move towards using and designing regenerative tools to aid climate recovery.

8th November 2021

"we can’t afford anybody on the sidelines"

My fleeting glance of ex-President Obama followed as he made his way to give his speech calling for world leaders to “step up”.

8th November 2021

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