Tuesday 4 December 2018 – 10.00-12.15
Library Seminar Rooms 1-2 / Stadium Live Streaming
10.00-10.30 Supporting students to represent their student journeys: Possibilities for narrative capture, reflective learning, dialogue and feedback
(Kate Lister, Learning & Teaching Development Manager (Accessibility), LTI)
10.30-11.00 The world at their fingertips? The mental wellbeing of online distance learning law students
(Dr Rajvinder Samra, Lecturer in Health, WELS (Presenter); Dr Emma Jones, Teaching Director, Law; Dr Mathijs Lucassen, Senior Lecturer Mental Health)
Abstract – In recent years, there has been an increased interest in student mental wellbeing within higher education. In terms of legal education, much of this has been focused on the USA and Australia, with a limited consideration of legal education in the UK. There has also been a lack of exploration into the factors linked to the mental wellbeing of online distance learning law students in general. This has resulted in notable gaps in our knowledge of the challenges these students may experience, as well as understanding the type of support that meets their needs. This presentation presents data gathered from an empirical study of the mental wellbeing of OU law students. Quantitative results about mental wellbeing from validated questionnaires will be presented, as well as qualitative data from open-ended items about the challenges to students’ mental wellbeing, current sources of support, and students’ recommendations for improving their mental wellbeing.
11.00-11.15 Coffee/tea break
11.15-11.45 Title to be confirmed
(Dr Troy Cooper, Head of School, FASS, School of Psychology)
11.45-12.15 Discussion and Questions
You are welcome to attend for all or part of the event, and we will aim to stick to timings to enable you to do that. Please note that this event will be recorded. You can also join the event via live streaming on Stadium. If you are planning to attend in person, please email iet-elc-admin@open.ac.uk so we can make sure we order enough refreshments.
Further details will be provided when available on our Cloudworks page – where details of previous events may also be found. Recordings of many recent eLC events are also available via Stadium