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Start as you mean to go on - Orientate, Apply and Connect - Embedding employability in transition pedagogy

Charmayne Myers, Sheffield Hallam University, UK


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A transition model has been developed to give new HE learners an authentic context to their subject discipline: the Orientate section. This is then supplemented in the Apply section with a selection of authentic tasks to apply this knowledge while drawing on their own experiences. It is intended that by using components of authentic learning these learners begin to put a common discipline topic or theme into practice, hence starting to engage in real world situations. Finally, the link to professional practice is provided through video interviews of professionals. The professionals put the topic into a real-world context. This final section is called Connect.

The model takes an innovative approach to supporting transition by offering a short immersion in the subject that places disciplinarity at its heart, both in how the subject is taught at Sheffield Hallam and how the tools of the discipline are used professionally. This supports transition into the academic aspects of their course, but also encourages early thinking about transition beyond graduation.

Engagement in the model by 6,000+ pre-enrolled learners from multiple discipline areas in Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Sport, Education, Social Sciences, Health Care and Humanities since 2019 reveals that the learners recognised how this model builds upon their confidence, sense of belonging and confirms their choice of discipline.

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