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Claudine McFaul

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The Hummingbird Project year 2: decreasing distress and fostering flourishing in a pragmatic preā€“post study (2024)
Platt, Ian Andrew; Hochard, Kevin D.; Tytherleigh, Michelle; Kannangara, Chathurika; Carson, Jerome; Mcfaul, Claudine and North, Catherine
Frontiers in Psychology, 15, Article 1257446

Parents' role in positive education and positive psychology parenting (2024-02-13)
Platt, Ian; Mcfaul, Claudine and Tytherleigh, Michelle
In: Tytherleigh, Michelle ed. Positive Education at all Levels: Learning to Flourish (pp. 111-129)
ISBN : 9781837531578 | Publisher : Emerald

Positive education in primary schools (2024-02-13)
Mcfaul, Claudine
In: Tytherleigh, Michelle ed. Positive Education at all Levels: Learning to Flourish (pp. 19-40)
ISBN : 9781837531578 | Publisher : Emerald