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Professor John Mason

Profile summary


Who Puts the ‘Active’ into ‘Active Learning’? (2024)
Mason, John
Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education ((Early access))

[Book review] Learning mathematics as occasioned by disturbance: Mathematical encounters & pedagogical detours: stories of disturbance and learning opportunities in teacher education, by B. Koichu and R. Zazkis, Switzerland, Springer, 2021. (2023)
Mason, John
Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 25(4) (pp. 487-488)

Variables in early algebra: exploring didactic potentials in programming activities (2022-11)
Kilhamn, C.; Bråting, K.; Helenius, O. and Mason, J.
ZDM – Mathematics Education, 54(6) (pp. 1273-1288)

How the Theme of ‘Doing and Undoing’ Applied to the Action of Exchange Reveals Overlooked Core Ideas in School Mathematics (2021-06-29)
Mason, John
Mathematics, 9, Article e1530(13)

Learning about noticing, by, and through, noticing (2021)
Mason, John
ZDM, 53 (pp. 231-243)

Generalization Strategies in Finding the nth Term Rule for Simple Quadratic Sequences (2020)
Biza, Irene; Hewitt, Dave; Watson, Anne and Mason, John
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 18(6) (pp. 1105-1126)

Generating Worthwhile Mathematical Tasks in Order to Sustain and Develop Mathematical Thinking (2020)
Mason, John
Sustainability, 12, Article e5727(14)

Fooled by Rounding (2019-12)
Mason, John and Zazkis, Rina
Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education, 5(3) (pp. 252-265)

Establishing appropriate conditions: students learning to apply a theorem (2012-08)
Scataglini-Belghitar, Giovanna and Mason, John
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 10(4) (pp. 927-953)

On knowing in mathematics (2012-05)
Mason, John
CULMS Newsletter, 5 (pp. 29-39)

Establishing mathematics for teaching within classroom interactions in teacher education (2012)
Ryve, Andreas; Nilsson, Per and Mason, John
Educational studies in Mathematics, 81(1) (pp. 1-14)

Experiential learning (2012)
Jones, Christine and Mason, John
Mathematics Teaching, 229 (pp. 17-20)

3-D proofs of 2-D theorems (2012)
Mason, John
Mathematics Teaching, 229 (pp. 38-41)

Justifications-on-demand as a device to promote shifts of attention associated With relational thinking in elementary arithmetic (2009-10)
Molina, Marta and Mason, John
Canadian Journal of Science Mathematics and Technology Education, 9(4) (pp. 224-242)

Teaching as disciplined enquiry (2009-04)
Mason, John
Teachers and Teaching: Theory and practice, 15(2) (pp. 205-223)

Appreciating mathematical structure for all (2009)
Mason, John; Stephens, Max and Watson, Anne
Mathematics Education Research Journal, 21(2) (pp. 10-32)

The Menousa (2009)
Mason, John and Watson, Anne
For the Learning of Mathematics, 29(2) (pp. 33-38)

Seeing an exercise as a single mathematical object: using variation to structure sense-making (2006)
Watson, Anne and Mason, John
Mathematics thinking and learning, 8(2) (pp. 91-111)

Studying attitude to mathematics (1998)
Ruffell, Moyra; Mason, John and Allen, Barbara
Educational studies in Mathematics, 35 (pp. 1-18)

The Learning and Teaching of Number: Paths Less Travelled Through Well-Trodden Terrain (2021-05-24)
Zazkis, Rina; Mason, John and Kontorovich, Igor’
ISBN : 9781138353442 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : London

Listening Counts: Listening to Young Learners of Mathematics (2009-02)
Houssart, Jenny and Mason, John
ISBN : 978-1-85856-448-7 | Publisher : Trentham | Published : Stoke-on-Trent

Counter Examples in Calculus (2009)
Mason, John and Klymchuk, Sergiy
ISBN : 978-1848163607 | Publisher : Imperial College Press | Published : London

Listening Figures: Listening to Learners of Mathematics at Secondary School and Above (2009)
Mason, John and Houssart, Jenny
ISBN : 978-1-85856-449-4 | Publisher : Trentham | Published : Stoke-on-Trent

Mathematics as a constructive activity: learners generating examples (2005)
Watson, Anne and Mason, John
Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Learning
ISBN : 0-8058-4344-2 | Publisher : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | Published : Mahwah, New Jersey, USA

Fundamental constructs in mathematics education (2004-01-22)
Johnston-Wilder, Susan and Mason, John
ISBN : 415326974 | Publisher : Routledge Falmer in association with the Open University

Mathematics Teaching Practice: a guide for university and college lecturers (2002-03-01)
Mason, John H.
ISBN : 1898563799 | Publisher : Horwood Publishing | Published : Chichester, UK

Researching your own practice: the discipline of noticing (2002)
Mason, John
ISBN : 415248620 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : UK

Key aspects of teaching algebra in schools (2002)
Mason, John and Sutherland, R.
ISBN : 1858385075 | Publisher : QCA | Published : London, UK

Specifying Defining, Generalising and Abstracting Mathematically All Seen as Subtly Different Shifts of Attention (2023)
Mason, John
In: Bicudo, Maria Aparecida Viggiani; Czarnocha, Bronislaw; Rosa, Maurício and Marciniak, Małgorzata eds. Ongoing Advancements in Philosophy of Mathematics Education (pp. 103-124)
ISBN : 978-3-031-35209-6 | Publisher : Springer International Publishing | Published : Cham

You can lead a horse to water…: issues in deepening learning through deepening teaching (2012-12-16)
Mason, John
In: Hegedus, Stephen J and Roschelle, Jeremy eds. The SimCalc Vision and Contributions: Democratizing Access to Important Mathematics. Advances in Mathematics Education (pp. 403-418)
ISBN : 978-94-007-5695-3 | Publisher : Springer-Verlag | Published : Berlin

Having good ideas come-to-mind: contemporary Pólya-based advice for students of mathematics (2012)
Mason, John
In: Badger, M. S.; Sangwin, C. J.; Hawkes, T. O.; Burn, R. P.; Mason, J. and Pope, S eds. Teaching Problem-Solving in Undergraduate Mathematics (pp. 33-51)
Publisher : National HE STEM Centre | Published : Loughborough

Noticing: roots and branches (2011)
Mason, John
In: Sherin, Miriam Gamoran; Jacobs, Victoria R. and Philipp, Randolph A. eds. Mathematics Teacher Noticing: Seeing Through Teachers’ Eyes.. Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Learning (pp. 35-50)
ISBN : 9780415878623 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : New York

From assenting to asserting (2009)
Mason, John
In: Skovsmose, Ole; Velero, Paola and Christensen, Ole Ravn eds. University Science and Mathematics Education in Transition (pp. 17-40)
ISBN : 387098283 | Publisher : Springer | Published : New York, NY, USA

What makes an example exemplary: Pedagogical and didactical issues in appreciating multiplicative structures (2006)
Mason, John
In: Zaskis, Rina and Campbell, Stephen R. eds. Number theory in mathematics education: perspectives and prospects (pp. 41-68)
ISBN : 805854088 | Publisher : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | Published : Mahwah, USA

Reflection in and on practice (2002-01-04)
Mason, John
In: Kahn, P. and Kyle, J. eds. Effective learning & teaching in mathematics & its applications (pp. 117-128)
ISBN : 749435690 | Publisher : ILT & Kogan Page | Published : London

Minding your Qs and Rs: effective questioning and responding in the mathematics classroom (2002)
Mason, John
In: Haggarty, Linda ed. Aspects of Teaching Secondary Mathematics: perspectives on practice (pp. 248-258)
ISBN : 0-415-26081-7 | Publisher : RoutledgeFalmer | Published : London, UK

Questions about mathematical reasoning and proof in schools (2002)
Mason, John
In: Abramsky, J ed. Reasoning, explanation and proof in school mathematics and their place in the intended curriculum : proceedings of the QCA international seminar 4-6 October 2001
ISBN : 1858385105 | Publisher : Qualifications and Curriculum Authority | Published : London

Aspects of generalisation and algebra: exploiting children’s power (2001-12-06)
Mason, John
In: Haggarty, Linda ed. Aspects of teaching secondary mathematics : perspectives on practice (pp. 105-120)
ISBN : 415266416 | Publisher : RoutledgeFalmer | Published : London, UK

Modelling Modelling: were is the centre of gravity of-for-when modelling? (2001-11)
Mason, John
In: Matos, J. F.; Houston, S.K.; Blum, W. and Carreira, S.P. eds. Modelling and Mathematics Education: ICTMA 9 - Applications in Science and Technology
ISBN : 1898563667 | Publisher : Horwood Publishing

Professionalisation of teaching in Higher Education in the United Kingdom (2001)
Mason, John
In: ?
Publisher : ILT & Kogan Page

How an experientially presented labelled-framework approach to professional development at a distance can influence teachers’ practice (2010-07)
Mason, John and De Geest, Els
In : 34th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology in Mathematics Education (PME) (18-23 Jul 2010, Bela Horizonte, Brazil)

Using experiential pedagogy in practice-based learning at a distance (2010)
De Geest, E.; Mason, J. and Allen, B.
In : EDULEARN10: International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (5-7 Jul 2010, Barcelona)

A study of the movement of attention: the case of a reconstructed calculation (2009)
Mason, John
In : Proceedings of MADIF 6 (29-30 Jan 2008, Sweden)

Being rational about ratio and multiplicative reasoning (2009)
Mason, John
In : Being Rational about Ratio and Multiplicative Reasoning (2009, Northampton Academy)

Questioning to promote reasoning (2009)
Mason, John
In : Winchester Mathematics Managers Conference (2009, Winchester)

Neue Klein Project (2009)
Mason, John
In : Neue Klien Project (2009, Maderia)

Energies of inquiry (2009)
Mason, John
In : Agder Seminar (2009, Kristinasand, Norway)

Outer and inner tasks (2009)
Mason, John
In : LBN Konferansen (2009, Agder, Norway)

What are examples for? What makes them useful? (2009)
Mason, John
In : MSOR (2009, Birmingham, UK)

Variation as a pedagogical tool in mathematics (2009)
Mason, John
In : Variation as a Pedagogical Tool In Mathematics (2009, Wits, South Africa)