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Go Green x Storr Cupboard: Fighting Food Waste

Storr Cupboard logo featuring fruit, pies, plates and cutlery

In October 2020, The Open Universities Go Green network was joined by Ann Storr, Founder of the Storr Cupboard. Ann spent an hour with OU colleagues, inspiring them to use everything in their fridges and freezers and reuse their leftovers. 

In this talk, Ann Storr explores simple options to tackle food waste. She is both an expert in food waste and getting creative with what's in the fridge,to 'tackling food waste' in ways that will save you time, money, and carbon emissions. Ann discusses the facts of why food waste is a problem for the planet, but also the simple tricks we can use to do something about it  saving those sad-looking vegetables or sausages from the bin and turning them into something delicious. What could you do with that leftover mashed potato?

Catch up on the session here:

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