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Masters Degrees

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Studying a postgraduate qualification can improve your knowledge and skills, enhance your CPD, and help develop you career prospects. The Open University has a variety of OU Postgraduate Qualifications that can suit your professional interests and match your available study time. These range from Postgraduate Certificates, Diplomas and Masters Degree Qualifications.

MA in Crime and Justice

This masters degree explores new perspectives and ways of thinking about crime, harm and justice. It is concerned with examining problematic areas of social life, transgression, ‘crime’, social harm and justice in an increasingly global world. You will consider the significance of power, social structure, and economic and social inequalities in understanding ‘crime’, processes of criminalisation, and ideas about justice.

Duration: 2-10 Years
Course code: F75
Credits: 180

Master of Business Administration

This triple-accredited MBA course is designed for practising managers aspiring to higher positions. The emphasis for your learning is directly rooted in management practice. You will focus on strategic analysis, interdisciplinary skills, intellectual stimulation and independent judgement – building on a solid foundation of core disciplines, including human resource management, organisational behaviour, accounting and finance, marketing and operations.

Duration: 2-7 Years
Course code: F61
Credits: 180

MSc in Forensic Psychological Studies

This masters degree enables you to gain an advanced understanding of the fascinating area of forensic psychology, while enhancing your analytical and communication skills, as well as your research literacy. You will also develop an understanding of the reciprocal relationship this field of research has with UK law, legal practice, policy, public opinion and the media.

Duration: 2-10 Years
Course code: F73
Credits: 180

MSc in Mental Health Science

This postgraduate qualification is designed for those with an academic or professional interest in mental health science and the biological and psychological underpinnings of this discipline. It equips students with the necessary skills to critically evaluate the current literature, discuss contemporary issues and communicate a critical understanding of key topics in mental health science.

Duration: 2-7 Years
Course code: F78
Credits: 180

MSc in Psychology

This masters degree provides a valuable opportunity to gain an advanced understanding of a range of fields in psychology, including cognitive, social, forensic and counselling psychology. It aims to develop critical appraisal skills in psychology research and practice. You also gain an understanding of the reciprocal relationship psychological research has with medicine, public policy, public opinion and the media.

Duration: 2-10 Years
Course code: F74
Credits: 180

MSc in Systems Thinking in Practice

This MSc course explores the way we think about and approach tasks or situations. Everyone brings with them their own perspective, which means that we all see things in different ways. The discipline of systems thinking in practice will provide you with the tools to challenge your approach to complex situations, consider the roles other people play, and assess how different components within those situations are related.

Duration: minimum 3 years
Course code: F47
Credits: 180

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2023 Annual Report

This annual report features a selection of the work undertaken across 2023 which we consider to be highly relevant for the current policing environment.

15th May 2024
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Upcoming Events

Jun 6

The understanding of domestic abuse in the criminal justice system- current issues, challenges and developments

Thursday, June 6, 2024 - 09:30 to 16:30

The Open University, Milton Keynes

Contact: Book your place

Jun 7

Free conference opportunity for Police and Police Staff

Friday, June 7, 2024 - 13:00 to 17:00

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