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'Bibliometrics, Altmetrics & DORA' Webinar (October 2023)

Monday, October 2, 2023 - 11:00 to 12:00
'Bibliometrics, Altmetrics & DORA' (October 2023) - booking page

Bibliometrics, Altmetrics & DORA


Session description:

This session will cover: 

  • Common bibliometrics, and their use and misuse. 

  • What are Altmetrics and where they can be found. 

  • Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) and responsible use of metrics 

Target audience:  

Postgraduate Research Students, Research Staff and Research Support Staff.

Session Leads: 

This session will be led by Chris Biggs and Isabel Chadwick. 

'Bibliometrics, Altmetrics & DORA' (October 2023) - booking page.

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