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Tutor K worked as an Open University Associate Lecturer in Humanities in the Compounds and H Blocks of the Maze and Long Kesh Prison in Maghaberry Prison Magilligan Prison and Crumlin Road Gaol between 1975 and the 1990s. He came to Northern Ireland from England to take up the position of Lecturer in History with the University of Ulster in 1968 and worked there until his retirement in 2003. He tutored with The Open University from 1974-2007.
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Metadata describing this interview
Title: Tutor K Interview
Interviewer: Jenny Meegan
Date of interview: 12/06/2012
Interview note: Tutor asked that name not be used
Interview duration: 00:38:52
Recording type: Audio interview
Rights statement: Rights owned or controlled by The Open University
Restrictions on use: Contact the OU Archive prior to any re-use. Contact
Interviewer note: Interviewed by colleague
Available to public: no