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  4. Masaya


Image: ©E van Manen, 2008, used with permission

Masaya (Volcán Masaya) is located 20-25 km southeast of Nicaragua’s capital city Managua, within the most densely populated area of Nicaragua. In 1979 the main area of the volcanic complex was declared Nicaragua’s first national park (Parque Nactional Volcán Masaya).

Masaya is approximately 600 meters above sea level. It is a large basaltic shield volcano, containing numerous calderas and craters, the active area is located within the largest of these, the Las Sierras caldera. Only two lava flows have been extruded in the past 1000 years or so, one in 1670 and the other in 1772. The current activity is constrained to the Santiago crater and consists mainly of degassing and minor intermittent explosive activity

The area around Masaya is predominantly used for dairy farming and crops.

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Department of Environment, Earth and Ecosystems
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes

Tel: +44(0) 1908 653739
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