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Police Scotland Town Hall event: Sex offender management and the impact of 'reactive management'

Thursday, November 30, 2023 - 13:30 to 15:00

Police Scotland Specialist Crime Division are reviewing the evidence base on Sex Offender management, with a particular focus on the impact of the ‘Reactive Management’ approach.  We would like to invite police and academic colleagues with knowledge of this topic to attend this session for a discussion of their experiences of this area of policing.

The session will be open to CPRL partner forces and OU academics only, and we would appreciate any contributions from colleagues which focus on the key benefits and challenges that exist in relation to the application of strategy in this field. We would also welcome contributions which focus on the academic evidence pertaining to offender management, reoffending rates, and the drivers behind reoffending. Please fill in this form using your work email address if you would like to attend.


Launch of CPRL Small Grants Pilot Scheme: Testing Policing Innovations

As announced at the CPRL Membership Group meeting on Thursday 07 March we are delighted to have launched the CPRL Small Grants Pilot Scheme following approval at the membership group meeting in December 2023.

26th March 2024
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