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Beyond the classroom: A new model to demonstrate how experiential learning can develop soft skills and aid employability

Dr Rod Brazier, St Patrick’s College, London 


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This presentation outlines the practical findings from a study which explores a specific pedagogic method; experiential education; and the impact this active-learning approach can have upon an undergraduate’s soft skill development. It considers the intersection between contrasting higher educational programmes, employer demands, and student needs.

Through a nested case study approach, this naturalistic, constructionist study utilises symbolic interactionism within a thematic analysis of qualitative data. The study explores two groups of undergraduate business management students; one traditional group, and one group of degree apprentices.

The study found that a range of soft skills were developed by undergraduate students through experiential education. The findings determined that soft skills were more deeply and broadly developed within students who: were afforded freedom to act autonomously; focused on experiential projects rather than merely assessments; and who were able to experientially learn, both inside and outside of the classroom. The study also concluded that degree apprenticeships are a convenient vehicle for the development of soft skills within undergraduate business management study. A set of models arise from the study, which might function as a tool for researchers and practitioners, embarking upon practice within the field.

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