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Rethinking the Relations Between Graduate Employability and Employment

Jason L. Brown, Career Ahead, University of Southern Queensland, AU


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For many years there have been calls from industry and governments around the world to improve the employability of graduates, with claims of a gap between the skills graduates possess and the skills required by industry. Accordingly, employability interventions in higher education tend to focus on bridging this employability gap through embedding graduate attributes in the curriculum and encouraging students to engage in developmental activities such as work integrated learning, volunteering, and employability award programs.

These activities develop human and social capital, but the influence of these activities on the achievement of employment outcomes is questionable. This presentation will summarise the findings of three Australian studies to argue that current university approaches to employability supports the development of employability, but not the achievement of employment. Recommendations on how universities can measure the outcomes of graduate employability development activities and develop more effective strategies to improve employment outcomes will be discussed.

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