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Using visual methods to enhance our understanding of international student employability

Dr Xin Zhao and Dr Emma Parry, University of Sheffield, UK


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The aim of the workshop is to bring together practitioners and employers to reflect on our current career provision in supporting international students transitioning from education to work. International students are an integral part of our student body in higher education. However, research suggests that the current career resources at universities tend to be UK-centric (Huang & Turner, 2018); there remains a large gap in the literature when it comes to international student employability. Even fewer studies have been conducted to examine the perspectives of practitioners who support international students and employers who recruit international employees. Through visual methods (drawing), this workshop will create an engaging space for practitioners and employers to share their experiences about working with international students. There is a growing body of literature recognising the importance of visual methods for employability research for generating rich data from participants as well as enabling them to reflect more deeply upon their experiences (Parry, 2020; Timming, 2017). During the workshop, the hosts will provide an overview of the potential of visual methods for use in employability research, followed by an opportunity for participants to experience the methods and share experiences about working with international students.

The workshop will employ a digital storyboard generator (StoryboardThat) which allows participants to create digital storyboards using existing templates through drag-and-drop functionality. During the workshop, the hosts will provide participants with a free link that will take them directly to online storyboard templates without the need to register. Participants can also create artwork with traditional pen and paper and upload it to Jamboard. During the workshop, the hosts will provide participants with editing access to a shared Jamboard. Participants can upload photos of their drawings to Jamboard and comment on each other’s drawings.


Huang, R., & Turner, R. (2018). International experience, universities support and graduate employability–perceptions of Chinese international students studying in UK universities. Journal of Education and Work, 31(2), 175-189. doi: 10.1080/13639080.2018.1436751

Parry, E.M. (2020). How Young People and Managers Construct the School to Work Transition: A Critical Discursive Psychological Approach. Doctoral thesis, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom.

Timming, A. R. (2017). The effect of foreign accent on employability: A study of the aural dimensions of aesthetic labour in customer-facing and non-customer-facing jobs. Work, employment and society, 31(3), 409-428. doi: 10.1177/0950017016630260

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