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About OU Trips

What is the OU Trips Club and Committee?

The Open University Trips Club (OU Trips) is run by an awesome group of sociable people, who saw the need to bring people together to foster friendship and fun through activities such as day trips, evening talks, weekends away and overseas travel!

The Committee itself is run by enthusiastic VOLUNTEERS who, in their own time, meet on a regular basis to arrange events.

How is the club funded?

OU Trips is affiliated to the OU Club. Each year, the OU Club receives funding from the Open University and we bid for a share of those funds to subsidise our trips and events.

Who can attend/book these events?

All staff, retired staff and research students are entitled to book and join any of the OU Trips social events and trips. Family and friends are always welcome but are unable to book directly with us and must be accompanied by a member of staff.

During our online Happy Hours, we welcome anyone in your household to also join us.

How do you find out more?

What can you expect once you join?

You will become part of a group of like-minded people, who will be sent offers on fun days out with the family, high quality travel and general meet the committee events throughout the year.

What do we expect of you?

  • To respect the committee and other trip goers
  • To observe the terms and conditions set by the committee
  • To have FUN!