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  4. Tatarenko, I., Dodd, M., Rothero, E., Gowing, D. (2013) Citizen science in meadow studies: population dynamics in Fritillaria meleagris on North Meadow (Wiltshire, UK). Research and Conservation of Floodplain Meadows: Proceedings of International workshop

Tatarenko, I., Dodd, M., Rothero, E., Gowing, D. (2013) Citizen science in meadow studies: population dynamics in Fritillaria meleagris on North Meadow (Wiltshire, UK). Research and Conservation of Floodplain Meadows: Proceedings of International workshop

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Conference paper by Irina Tatarenko, Mike Dodd, Emma Rothero and David Gowing, Citizen science in meadow studies: population dynamics in Fritillaria meleagris on North Meadow (Wiltshire, UK). Research and Conservation of Floodplain Meadows: Proceedings of International workshop, Kaluga, Russia, Moscow Pedagogical State University and the Floodplain Meadow Partnership