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FASSTEST brings together colleagues from across the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, providing a mechanism for professional development through practice-based scholarship within a mentored community. 

Much of our work is organised on a project basis with project management aimed at the delivery of new educational outcomes and scholarship outcomes. FASSTEST supports a rolling portfolio of approximately 40 active scholarship projects under a number of themes which include:

  • Online and blended tuition 
  • Assessment
  • Employability/careers 
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Multisensory/multimodal learning

If you are interested in learning more about a particular project or connecting with a project team, please contact us at FASS-Scholarship@open.ac.uk


The search found 100 result(s)

Search results

    Assessing the Impact of Changes to the Tuition Model for English Literature Modules in Terms of Attendance, Attainment, and Retention

    Project Team: Encarnacion Trinidad-BarrantesJessica DaviesHannah LaveryTim HammondElizabeth FordSteve Padley

    An Enquiry into the Impact of TMA Extensions: Stage 1

    Project Team: Zoe DoyeIeman Hassan

    This project aims to explore whether the granting of extensions to TMA cut off dates has any impact on student retention and whether there is a relationship between TMAs and extensions in relation to different student groups at Level 1. 

    Understanding Student Learning of Emotive and Sensitive Content

    Project Team: Julia DownesRuth WallAnne Alvaer

    Running an Effective Online Gallery Visit

    Project Team: Lindsay CrispVeronica Davies

    We know that there are a number of both tangible and intangible ‘tried and tested’ benefits of face-to-face gallery visits.

    Making the Most of Monitoring

    Project Team: Sue Nieland

    As one of the largest universities in Europe, and the largest in the UK, the quantity of assessment that has to be carried out by tutors at the Open University is far greater than in most institutions.