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Dr Rupesh Shah

Profile summary

Professional biography

Professional biography


Dr Rupesh Shah is Staff Tutor in Engineering and Innovation at the Open University. 

Rupesh has supported learning about systems thinking at the OU for over 15 years; initially as a research fellow on the PersSyst Project  and then as an Associate Lecturer on an undergraduate and postgraduate modules in systems thinking.  

Rupesh recieved his BSc (Hons) from the University of Bath in Business Administration in 1997. He gained his PhD from the University of Bath in the Centre for Action Research in Professional Practice in the School of Management.  Rupesh has worked as a participatory development practitioner and community educator, in a range of interrnational and local projects in the UK, India, Argentina and Nigeria.  

Research interests

Curret research interests include developing capability in systems thinking in practice, text-based inquiry in critcal management practice, systems thinking in environment and in community health development.  Previous research includes work on 

  • NGO-business collaboration and sustainable development
  • inter-organisational learning and development for climate adaptation
  • the challenges of corporate responsibility movement
  • late diagnosis of cancer in East London
  • community engagement for genetics and health studies

Teaching interests

In his role as a staff tutor, Rupesh manages teams Associate Lecturers in Environment and in Systems Thinking. He has worked as an author and critical reviewer for two new modules in Systems Thinking in Practice. Rupesh developed the 'People Stream' for TB871, Making strategy with systems thinking in practiceto bring more relevance to the challenges of developing systems thinking in practice capability.  Rupesh is also chair the of the third level Environmental Management module, T319.  



Understanding stakeholder participation as part of sustainable development (2012-03)
Bell, Simon; Morse, Stephen and Shah, Rupesh
Journal of Environmental Management, 101(1) (pp. 13-22)

The role of systems thinking in the practice of implementing sustainable development goals (2017)
Reynolds, M.; Blackmore, C.; Ison, R.; Shah, R. and Wedlock, E.
In: Leal Filho, Walter ed. Handbook of Sustainability Science and Research (pp. 677-698)
ISBN : 978-3-319-63006-9 | Publisher : Springer

Alternative approaches in academic development: Delivering between a rock and a hard place (2023-07)
Champion, Emma; Robson, Linda and Shah, Rupesh
In : Teaching and Learning Conference 2023: Shaping the future of HE (4-6 Jul 2023, Keele University, Staffordshire, UK)

Beyond employability: a more radical role for Higher Education in developing workplace capabilities (2020)
Reynolds, Martin; Ison, Raymond; Shah, Rupesh and Wilding, Helen
In : Employability Conference 2020 Expanding the narrative for a rapidly changing world (11 Mar 2020, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes)

Researching capability development: developing systems thinking in practice capabilities (2018-06-12)
Reynolds, Martin and Shah, Rupesh
In : Symposium on Governing Complexity: developing appropriate praxis with citizens and organisations (12 Jun 2018, Milton Keynes)

From competence to capability: learning laboratories in postgraduate pedagogy (2017)
Reynolds, M.; Shah, R.; Wedlock, E.; Ison, R. L. and Blackmore, C.
In : 6th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2017: STEM Futures: Supporting Students to Succeed (25-26 Apr 2017, Milton Keynes, UK)

Framing professional competencies for systems thinking in practice: final report of an action research eSTEeM inquiry (2018-06)
Reynolds, Martin; Shah, Rupesh and van Ameijde, Jitse
The Open University, Milton Keynes.

Developing professional recognition of systems thinking in practice: an interim report (2017-06)
Shah, Rupesh and Reynolds, Martin
The Open University

Framing systems thinking in practice competencies: report on systems thinking in practice competencies workshop 10 June 2017 (2017)
Reynolds, Martin; Shah, Rupesh and van Ameijde, Jitse
The Open University

Enhancing Systems Thinking in Practice at the Workplace: eSTEeM final report (2016-08)
Reynolds, Martin; Shah, Rupesh; Wedlock, Elaine; Ison, Ray and Blackmore, Christine
The OU Centre for STEM Pedagogy