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Skills for Work: Succeeding in a Digital World

No matter what career path your studies with the Open University takes you, the odds are that your work will require you to have some level of Digital Skills - most jobs now require basic skills such as being able to communicate via email or social media, or being able to create and share electronic documents.
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A report published last year by the European Commission ("ICT for Work: Digital Skills in the Workplace") discussed how digital technologies are being used in all manner of industries not typically thought of as being digital – such as farming, vocational training and healthcare.

To help you expand your Digital Skills, the Open Learn short course ‘Succeeding in a Digital World’ explores a range of digital skills and aims to build confidence for an online and digital life: teaching you how to stay safe online, how to develop your online identity, how to identify appropriate tools and how to use technology confidently to achieve your goals.