OU News

News from The Open University

Contact Media Relations at The Open University

This is The Open University’s website for news. It contains topical content, with expert commentary from our academics, along with graduate case studies and what the OU has to say about developments across the Higher Education sector. The OU is also committed to promoting its research output. Any view that an individual takes on a particular issue is not the institutional or corporate view of the university and our editorial process is detailed here. We are the largest academic institution in the UK and a world leader in flexible distance learning.

Day-to-day editorial management of this site’s content is provided by the Media Relations Team. 

You can also read copies of recent and previous OU media releases.

Contact details

For all out of hours media enquiries, please telephone +44 (0) 7901 515891. You can email the team at press-office@open.ac.uk. For other enquiries use the contact links on our main site . For student enquiries only, use this number, operating within office hours: 0300 303 5303.

Kat Woodcock
Senior Media Relations Manager
Tel: +44 (0) 1908 332 724
Email: Kat.woodcock@open.ac.uk

Laura Bandell
Media Relations Manager
Tel: +44 (0) 01908 638395
Email: laura.bandell@open.ac.uk

Philippa Green
Media Relations Manager
Tel: +44 (0) 01908 858752
Email: philippa.green@open.ac.uk

Katy Shelton
Media Relations Manager
Tel: +44 (0) 01908 332783
Email: katy.shelton@open.ac.uk

For enquiries about The Open University in Scotland

Tel: +44 (0) 7879 868917
Email: scotland-external-affairs@open.ac.uk