audio record
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Rebecca Davies, a student from the Earth Institute at Columbia University explores the suggestion that significantly reducing the amount of meat we consume would reduce greenhouse gas emissions and... therefore minimise the effects of global warming.Rebecca meets with cattle farmers and their unions to raise her concerns around the mass-produced meat industry and the power of the beef and grain lobbies in the US. She meets Dr Nevin Cohen, an expert on food systems in NYC, who tells her that 'Cows are the SUV of the Farm'. She also visits Capitol Hill to meet the Secretary of State for Agriculture, as well as some butchers in Brooklyn who are working on bringing sustainable meat production into an urban environment.
Metadata describing this Open University audio programme
Series: Climate connections
Episode 2
First transmission date: 2009-12-01
Original broadcast channel: BBC World Service
Published: 2009
Rights Statement: Rights owned or controlled by The Open University
Restrictions on use: This material can be used in accordance with The Open University conditions of use. A link to the conditions can be found at the bottom of all OU Digital Archive web pages.
Duration: 00:26:31
Note: BBC World Service version
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Producer: Anna Horsbrugh-Porter
Presenter: Mike Williams
Contributors: Mike Williams; Rebecca Davies
Publisher: BBC Open University
Production number: AUDA734B
Available to public: no