OU Study Materials

The Open University has been delivering modules/courses to students since 1971. The Study Materials collection is a comprehensive archive, including printed, audio/visual, multimedia and web materials. The collection also includes associated materials, such as transcripts of audio/visual content, set books, prospectuses and a selection of home experiment kits. The OU Digitral Archive collection of Study Materials contains a sample of the full archive. The collection will grow as further materials are added

Image of OU Study Materials
Title Module Code Resource Type Start Date
Software development with JavaM256Module2007
Putting Java to workM257Module2007
Relational databases: theory and practiceM359Module2007
Natural and artificial intelligenceM366Module2007
Dissertation in mathematicsM840Module2007
Web systems integrationM887Module2007
Health sciences in practiceS110Module2007
Science starts hereS154Module2007
Volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamisS186Module2007
Our dynamic planet: Earth and lifeS279Module2007
Radiotherapy and its physicsS819Module2007
Introducing health sciences: a case study approachSDK125Module2007
Understanding cardiovascular diseasesSK121Module2007
Quantum mechanics: experiments, applications and simulationsSMXR358Module2007
Postgraduate research skills in science, technology, maths & computingSTM895Module2007
Organic synthesis: strategy and techniquesSXR344Module2007
Digital photography: creating and sharing better imagesT189Module2007
Keeping ahead in information and communication technologiesT324Module2007
Structural integrity: designing against failureT357Module2007