Historical OU TV and Radio

The Open University has produced a number of series to inform students and a wider audience about the University. Series such as 'Open Forum' and 'Countdown to the OU' covered various topics such as methods of teaching, information about modules and guidance on areas such as summer schools. The OU Digital Archive Historical Television and Radio collection includes a small sample of the archive. The collection will grow as more contents are added.

Image of Historical OU TV and Radio
Thumbnail Title Description Date
audio record of Open Forum 22(1987)Geraldine Newbrook talks to an Open University student who went on to get a degree from Bristol...
audio record of Open Forum 24(1987).Programme visits a Nottingham Summer School to give a flavour of Summer School life. Geraldine...
audio record of Open Forum 10(1988)An open line live programme in which listeners phone in and the questions posed are answered by the...
audio record of Open Forum 22(1988)From S.E.Wales:Begins with a discussion from Open University Regional Centre Cardiff about the...
audio record of Open Forum 21(1987)A special report from the summer recruitment fair at the University of Nottingham. Geraldine and...
audio record of Open Forum 30(1989)Programme discusses why OU students are not eligible to use the career counselling of other...
audio record of Open Forum 26(1988)A discussion on the functions of the Examination and Assessment Committee. Sally Clift talks about...
audio record of Open Forum 24(1988)Peter Evans talks to Wendy Stainton-Rogers about the new OU course on Child Abuse which is funded...
audio record of Open Forum 33(1988)A description of the forthcoming exhibition in the Haywood Gallery of Leonardo da Vinci's drawings....
audio record of Open Forum 05(1990)Enterprise in Education: OU scheme for students to further careers - new pack available in May...
audio record of Open Forum 03(1990)A trip down memory lane as the OU celebrates its 21st Birthday - 23rd April l969 it received the...
audio record of Open Forum 10(1990)Lee Taylor talks about the new report on Equal Opportunities. Gill Kirkup gives her views on the...
audio record of Open Forum 36(1989-90)How do relationships standup to study - a student tells about her experience. Preview of the OUSA...
audio record of Open Forum 08(1990)How can the OU maintain Quality Tuition? Helen Lentell, Margaret Johnson and Andrea Gallagher talk...
audio record of Open Forum 33(1989-90)Two new OU courses T201 Materials in Action and Introduction to Psychology are looked at -...
audio record of Open Forum 30(1986)David and Geraldine discuss the adoption of OU resources in Open Learning schemes in Ireland.
audio record of Open Forum 20(1987)Geraldine Newbrook talks to Colin Luckhurst about the collaborative scheme with Exeter University....
audio record of Open Forum 03(1988)Dr Anthony Kelly, University of Surrey, reports on a scheme to make universities financially...
audio record of Open Forum 13(1988)The Associate Student Officer discusses associate courses and the students who use them. Setting up...
audio record of Open Forum 05(1986)Interview with the outgoing President of OUSA Iris Price who explains the work of OUSA. Course Team...
audio record of Open Forum 06(1990)NHS - new joint research centre dealing with general practice training opened by Princess Royal -...
audio record of Open Forum 02(1990)OUSA Conference: Highlights of the debates. New President and Roger Mills Pro-Vice Chancellor...
audio record of Open Forum 25(1993)A look at the seminar held at the OU funded by the Council for Environmental Education on green...
audio record of Audiocassette AC783 -
audio record of OU Songs and poemsThis reel to reel tape collects 4 humorous songs and poems about studying at the Open University....
audio record of Open Forum 06(1989)Diana Slevin talks about the forthcoming 13th Annual Conference of OUSA to be held at Bradford...
audio record of Open Forum 14(1988)A discussion on the OU Overseas in Germany and Cyprus.
audio record of Open Forum 18(1988)A report by Jane Duffield who tells students what to expect at Summer School and how the...
audio record of Open Forum 30(1988)Interview with Bob Day assistant manager of OU postal services who gives advice to students on how...
audio record of Open Forum 01(1988)Interview with Derek Child about the services available for students with disabilities who are...
audio record of Open Forum 28(1988)Mark Eisanstadt talks about the Human Cognition Research Laboratory. Nick Berry from the...
audio record of Open Forum 25(1988)"Interview with John Scotney, judge for the "Writing for Radio" competition, who talks about his...
audio record of Open Forum 02(1989)National Child Development Study - Dr Angelika Hibbett is interviewed about her long term...
audio record of Open Forum 04(1988)A live programme from London where callers put questions to Christopher Hawkins and Spencer Batiste...
audio record of Open Forum 09(1986)The OU in Ireland. The use of CE packs in the community and the OU at work in HM Prisons.
audio record of British Council SeminarRegional structure of the OU
audio record of Audiocassette AC1063 -
audio record of Interview with Sir Harold ThompsonThis is the full unedited interview with Sir Harold Thompson conducted for the Open University...
audio record of Audiocassette Misc/ACMiscellaneous pack consisting of audiotape and supplementary booklet.
audio record of Audiocassette Misc/ACMiscellaneous pack consisting of audiotape and supplementary booklet.
audio record of James Clerk MaxwellThis untransmitted radio programme was made for the Open University course A381 Science and belief:...
audio record of Interview with Carl-Friedrich von WeizsäckerThis is the full unedited interview with Carl-Friedrich von Weizsäcker conducted for the Open...
audio record of Interview with Sir Hans KrebsThis is the full unedited interview with Sir Hans Krebs conducted for the Open University course...
audio record of Audiocassette Misc/ACMiscellaneous pack consisting of audiotape and supplementary booklet.
audio record of Audiocassette Misc/ACInterviews for D203 Concorde - Decision making, cassette 3 of 8. Scripts 8, 13, 15, 16 (unavailable)
audio record of Audiocassette Misc/ACInterviews for D203 Concorde - Decision making, cassette 2 of 8. Scripts 1, 5, 15 (unavailable)
audio record of Audiocassette Misc/ACInterviews for D203 Oil - Decision making, cassette 1 of 4. Scripts 23,24
audio record of Audiocassette Misc/ACInterviews for D203 Concorde - Decision making, cassette 7 of 8. Scripts 6, 9, 10, 12 (unavailable)
audio record of Audiocassette Misc/ACInterviews for D203 Concorde - Decision making, cassette 5 of 8. Scripts 4, 11, 14 (unavailable)
audio record of Michael StewartInterviews for D203 The DEA and prices incomes policy. Scripts 32