Historical OU TV and Radio

The Open University has produced a number of series to inform students and a wider audience about the University. Series such as 'Open Forum' and 'Countdown to the OU' covered various topics such as methods of teaching, information about modules and guidance on areas such as summer schools. The OU Digital Archive Historical Television and Radio collection includes a small sample of the archive. The collection will grow as more contents are added.

Image of Historical OU TV and Radio
Thumbnail Title Description Date
audio record of Open Forum 29(1978)Interview with Mike Pentz on the S101 Pendulum experiment at St. Pauls.The OU stand at the...
audio record of Open Forum 18(1993)
audio record of Open Forum 32(1979)Visit to the Stafford Study Centre where students put questions to a panel of OU staff.
audio record of Open Forum 14(1980)An interview with the new Chancellor Lord Briggs and student reactions to comments on an earlier...
audio record of Open Forum 18(1980)Interview with John Shipley on a visit by two OU staff to the Open University of Thailand. The new...
audio record of Open Forum 20(1978)Programmes looks at current admission statistics and the job of the University Secretary and the...
audio record of Open Forum 10(1980)Study Centre special: Galashiels 1 where OU staff answer questions from students at this study centre.
audio record of Open Forum 11(1980)Study Centre Special: Galashiels 2: A visit to this study centre where OU staff answer questions...
audio record of Open Forum 16(1978)Naomi McIntosh and Richard Holmes discuss the role of the PVC Student Affairs. Lindsay Young...
audio record of Open Forum 20(1979)A debate on the problem of the non-progressing student in the OU.
audio record of Open Forum 26(1978)The special summer school at Maidstone prison for prisoners studying with the OU is visited. Some...
audio record of Open Forum 37(1973)Discussion on the Beethoven Egmont Overture assignment A202. Don's revolt (social science faculty's...
audio record of Open Forum 29(1977)Jack Nulty talks about his life as a professional football player and OU student. Jane Henry, IET,...
audio record of Open Forum 08(1993)The new Language and Image leaflet was discussed informing us of terms we should not use, and...
audio record of Open Forum 17(1977)External recognition of OU degrees discussed.
audio record of Open Forum 36(1976)Stuart Maclure talks about "A Degree of Difference" by Naomi McIntosh. Jack Singleton talks to Jean...
audio record of Open Forum 17(1976)Jack Singleton talks to graduates at Queen's University Belfast.
audio record of Open Forum Vacation Lecture 03(1976)"Class attitudes since World War II" - lecture by Arthur Marwick."
audio record of Open Forum 32(1977)Proposals to alter the assessment system at the OU are discussed by a student and staff.
audio record of Open Forum 16(1993)John Jaworski talks about a computer competition using a programme written in sonnet version. Penny...
audio record of Open Forum 39(1976)Leslie Wagner talks about the paper on the economic implications of the OU which he recently...
audio record of Open Forum Extra 4(1977)Graduate statistics analysed. The Chancellor talks about his experience as an OU student. Nick...
audio record of Open Forum 35(1976)Keele University Summer School - vocational counselling. Music night led by Donald Burrows.
audio record of Open Forum 30(1978)The work of the Energy Research Group is discussed. CICERO the computer teaching system is discussed.
audio record of Open Forum 3(1978)The impact and potential of telephone tutorials are discussed.
audio record of Open Forum 30(1979)Extracts from Lord Ritchie-Calders OU Tenth Anniversary Lecture on Education in a Post-Industrial...
audio record of Open Forum 31(1979)A discussion on the problem of achieving uniformity of marking of TMA's and what is being done to...
audio record of Open Forum 22(1979)Broadcast recorded at the 10th Anniversary Open Day.
audio record of Open Forum 05(1980)A visit to the Lincoln Study Centre where OU staff answer questions put by students.
audio record of Open Forum 34(1979)An interview with an OU PH.D Student and a look at two short courses, "Energy within the Home" and...
audio record of Open Forum 21(1975)News of two programme awards. Pronouncement by Dr Stuart Bennett in his capacity as Secretary of...
audio record of Open Forum 7(1975)Jim Barber talks about post experience courses, and new ones being planned. Paul Kafno explains...
audio record of Open Forum 37(1976)Revising and how to approach the exam paper.
audio record of Open Forum 26(1976)Viewpoints on graduation day, Alexandra Palace.
audio record of Open Forum 20(1976)New courses in Educational Studies. Project work in the OU.
audio record of Open Forum 19(1977)Monthly letterbox and news of Les Holloway's North American visit.
audio record of Open Forum 28(1976)Higher degrees offered at the OU are discussed. Problems encountered by prisoners who study OU...
audio record of Open Forum 34(1977)Several people at the OUSA Open Day comment on various topics. Among them are the proposals of the...
audio record of Open Forum 36(1977)A series of short comments by the contributors on various aspects of the OU.
audio record of Open Forum 23(1977)Scheme for transfers of credits between the OU and CNAA as well as the scheme between OU and Essex...
audio record of Mind the gap
audio record of Open Forum 46(1992)VC of Southbank University talks about the new universities and how past students can help pay for...
audio record of Open Forum 26(1977)The role of the OU in adult education in the 1980s is discussed.
audio record of Open Forum 22(1976)Jack Singleton talks to Jill Ford about students' projects.
audio record of Open Forum 40(1976)Jack Singleton talks to Bill Lindsey about the inter-regional conference at Gatehouse of Fleet....
audio record of Open Forum 11(1977)
audio record of Accents speak louder than words
audio record of Open Forum 21(1976)Northern Ireland students - travel grants and Summer School fees. Plans for the OUSA Open Day at...
audio record of Speech to the American Council on Education, 1971A speech given by the Vice Chancellor, Walter Perry, in 1971 at a meeting of the American Council...
audio record of Open Forum 16(1977)CICERO, the computerised tutor, is discussed. How it works, its effectiveness and potential are all...