Time to think...

Time to Think: Open University journeys in British and Irish prisons during the years of conflict 1972-2000 is a unique oral history archive. The collection contains interviews on the educational journeys of Loyalist and Republican ex-prisoners, Open University staff who tutored in the prisons or were involved in administration of study from the Belfast Office, prison education staff and Open University students who worked in the prisons. It also includes reflective interviews with OU staff and the Time to Think team about gathering interviews and building the archive, alongside audio clips, course materials, films and other artefacts.

Image of Time to think...
First name Last name Role Summary
preview image WilliamOU staffWilliam has worked in The Open University office in Belfast since 1985 and at time of interview in...
preview image NaomiOU staffNaomi joined The Open University as a member of the administrative staff in the Belfast Office in...
preview image TommyStudied in prisonTommy attended school in County Armagh and left age seventeen with six O Levels. He was imprisoned...
preview image PaddyStudied in prisonPaddy grew up in a rural community left school at sixteen with few qualifications and was...
preview image StudentAStudied in prisonStudent A is from Derry. He left school at sixteen with no qualifications and was imprisoned in the...
preview image MartinaAndersonStudied in prisonMartina Anderson is from the Bogside in Derry. She left school at 14 and was briefly imprisoned in...
preview image XimenaArais-ManzanoOU staff, Tutored in prisonXimena Arias-Manzano worked as an Open University Associate Lecturer in Spanish in the H Blocks of...
preview image StudentBStudied in prisonStudent B was in the grammar school stream of a rural secondary school and left with some O and A...
preview image FionnaBarberOU staff, Tutored in prisonFionna Barber worked as an Associate Lecturer for The Open University in the Faculty of Arts and...
preview image BrianBartonOU staff, Tutored in prisonBrian Barton worked as an Open University Associate Lecturer in History in the H Blocks of the Maze...
preview image RitaBrowneOU staffRita Browne worked in an administrative role for The Open University from 1973-1977 and from 1986...
preview image GarnetBusbyStudied in prisonGarnet Busby attended the Royal School Dungannon and Dungannon Technical College where he gained...
preview image StudentCStudied in prisonStudent C attended the Boys Model School in Belfast and left with five GCSEs. Aged nineteen he was...
preview image JimCampbellOU staff, Tutored in prisonJim Campbell worked as an Open University Associate Lecturer in Social Policy and Social Welfare in...
preview image RobertCampbellStudied in prisonRobert Campbell attended the Boys Model School in Belfast and left with an O Level in Mathematics....
preview image AlanCarrOU staffAlan Carr worked as an administrator with The Open University from 1975 until 2012. He was National...
preview image DianaCarsonOU staff, Tutored in prisonDiana Carson worked as an Open University Associate Lecturer in Social Sciences and Social Policy...
preview image JoyClarkWorked in prisonJoy Clark taught in schools in Armagh until 1975 when she was appointed by the Northern Ireland...
preview image MartinCollinsOU staff, Tutored in prisonMartin Collins worked as an Open University Associate Lecturer in Science in the Compounds and H...
preview image DavyConneryOU staffDavy Connery was a Police Officer for over thirty years during which time he delivered prisoners to...