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Berrill Building to St Michael's Church

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Micheal Young at the OU Graduates Dinner in 1973, outside Walton Hall on the Open University campus in Milton Keynes. Cropped from image:000000700006
Image : Michael Young
Date: 1973
External view of the Michael Young Building on the Open University Campus, Milton Keynes
Image : Michael Young Building
Date: 2007

5. Michael Young Building

During the 1960s Michael Young (1915-2002), later Lord Young of Dartington, called for the expansion of educational opportunity. He is often described as one of The Open University's founders. In 1962 he wrote an article advocating the creation of 'an open university' and went on to create the National Extension College in Cambridge in 1963.

The Michael Young Building was built in 2001 as a low energy consumption building, with rainwater collection for toilets, the use of recycled and earth-friendly materials, and designed in such a way as to conserve solar heat. The building has won architectural awards for being environmentally friendly.

The first image shows Michael Young at the Graduates Dinner at Walton Hall in 1973. The second image shows the Michael Young Building in 2007.



Berrill Building to St Michael's Church (page 5 of 6)