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A University of the Air

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Clip 3: University of the Air
Duration: 00:00:53
Date: 1977
Clip 4: Harold Wilson
Duration: 00:00:46
Date: 1963

In this clip Harold Wilson explains that by the time he became leader of the Labour Party in 1963 his ideas about a university of the air were already formed in his mind. He adds that while there were several existing projects and ideas, he didn't consult anyone about his plans in Britain.
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The first opportunity Wilson had to describe his plans for a university of the air was during a meeting in Glasgow on the 8th September 1963. Wilson later commented that "there was virtually no interest in the idea in the daily press or among my colleagues." (interview with Harold Wilson, "The First Ten Years: A Special edition of Sesame to mark the tenth anniversary of The Open University 1969-1979"). Later that year at the Labour Party conference in Scarborough, Wilson again outlined his ideas. His speech at the conference, famously referred to as the 'white heat of technology' speech, has been described as "one of the most memorable political speeches of the 20th century" The full text of the speech is available online.
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A University of the Air (page 2 of 2)