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Prison Governor A spent fourteen years working in Industry as a Manager. He joined the Northern Ireland Prison Service in 1983 and went to the Maze Prison (the H Blocks and Compounds of the Maze and Long Kesh Prison) as an Assistant Governor. He studied Social Sciences with The Open University in the mid-1980s.  In 1985 he was posted to Magilligan Prison as a Governor before moving to Governor Third in charge of Belfast Prison (Crumlin Road Gaol). He moved to the Prison Service College as Head of Training and Principal before returning to the Maze where he served as Deputy Governor from 1994 -1997. Governor A then worked in Prison Service... Headquarters as Assistant Director of Operations before moving back to Magilligan as the Governing Governor in the period up to his retirement in 2010.
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Metadata describing this interview
Title: Prisoner Governor A Interview 1
Interviewer: Jenny Meegan
Date of interview: 23/10/2012
Interview duration: 00:35:30
Recording type: Audio interview
Rights statement: Rights owned or controlled by The Open University
Restrictions on use: Contact the OU Archive prior to any re-use. Contact
Available to public: no