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Charles Lyell was a Scottish geologist who developed theories around the formation and natural history of the Earth. His most well known work is 'Principles of Geology' (1830-1833). Lyell was a friend of Charles Darwin and, along with the work of Alfred Russel Wallace, he pioneered their work on natural selection despite the conflict it caused him due to his religious views.
Metadata describing this letter
Title: Letter from Charles Lyell
Description: Charles Lyell refers to a work on the architect Inigo Jones that he has written. He requests that the recipient (likely to be Sampson Low) informs publishers Harper not to print a corrected page which he recently sent.
Address: 11 Harley Street
Letter dated: 25-09-1849
Physical description: Sampson Low Letters, Volume 1, 1 page
Type of letter: Discussion of work published or forthcoming, including copyright
Key works mentioned: Inigo Jones
Rights statement: Rights owned or controlled by The Open University
Restrictions on use: No further use without permission. Contact
Image rights: IanDagnall Computing / Alamy Stock Photo
Identifier: SL_110