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Elizabeth Charles (née Rundle) was an author and hymnodist. She was married to Andrew Paton Charles. Her most well known book was 'The Chronicles of the Schönberg-Cotta Family' which was about religious leader Martin Luther. She wrote over fifty books as well as several hymns. She supported many charities and counted Charles Kingsley among her circle of friends.
Metadata describing this letter
Title: Letter from Elizabeth Charles
Description: Elizabeth Rundle (Charles) refers to 'Denkwürdigkeiten', a work by the Flemish poet and Mannerist artist, Karel van Mander (1548-1606). Denkwürdigkeiten translates to 'Memorabilia' in English.
Address: Terrum Hall, Tavistock
Physical description: Sampson Low Letters, Volume 2, 1 page ; glue seepage.
Type of letter: Comments about another client, author, artist or work etc.
Key works mentioned: Mander's Denkwürdigkeiten
Rights statement: Rights owned or controlled by The Open University
Restrictions on use: No further use without permission. Contact
Image rights:
Identifier: SL_161