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Walter Scott was a Scottish poet, novelist, playwright and historian. He remains one of the most well known literary figures of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century and many of his works remain popular today, including 'Ivanhoe', 'Rob Roy', 'Waverley' and the narrative poem 'The Lady of the Lake', among others. Scott was offered the position of Poet Laureate in 1813 but declined and the poet Robert Southey was appointed instead.
Metadata describing this letter
Title: Letter from Walter Scott
Description: In his letter to publisher Charles Tilt, Walter Scott acknowledges the gift of the book 'Landscape illustrations of Waverley'. The Waverley novels are a long series of novels written by Scott, and this book features illustrations based on the areas described in them. This is one of the oldest letters in the collection.
Physical description: Sampson Low Letters, Volume 2, 1 page ; letter folds are visible with delivery address on reverse. Red wax seal. Some minor glue seepage.
Type of letter: Acknowledgement of receipt of an item
Key works mentioned: Landscape Illustrations of Waverley
Letter note: This letter has a related note written by the Reverend Frederick William Low who compiled the volumes in c.1913: "Sir Walter Scott, the immortal, the most famous of Scottish men of letters, born Aug: 15, 1771, died Sept: 21. 1882. His works, and especially the novels, have been translated into almost every civilised language." [Additional note in pencil: "Waverley"]
Rights statement: Rights owned or controlled by The Open University
Restrictions on use: No further use without permission. Contact
Image rights: © Universal Images Group/Getty Images
Identifier: SL_175