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George Walter Thornbury was an English author and journalist who wrote the first biography of artist JMW Turner. He wrote articles largely for the 'Athenaeum' but also wrote novels, non-fiction, art criticism and poetry. He contributed to Charles Dickens' 'Household Words' and 'All the Year Round'. Thornbury died tragically of exhaustion from over work in Camberwell House Asylum at the age of 47.
Metadata describing this letter
Title: Letter from George Walter Thornbury
Description: In a second letter to Sampson Low, George Walter Thornbury explains he will send for the copy of his work 'True as Steel' the following day and asks for the terms of an offer for publication. He also refers to a Mr Blackett who he will be meeting. This is likely to be Henry Blackett who founded the publishing company Hurst & Blackett in 1852. 'True as Steel' was first published in 1863 by Hurst & Blackett.
Address: 5 Furnival's Inn
Physical description: Sampson Low Letters, Volume 2, 1 page
Type of letter: Discussion of work published or forthcoming, including copyright
Key works mentioned: True as Steel
Rights statement: Rights owned or controlled by The Open University
Restrictions on use: No further use without permission. Contact
Image rights: © Chronicle / Alamy Stock Photo
Identifier: SL_194