video record
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Energy plays a vital role in every chemical process. In this programme we look at the most fundamental energy of a system, the thermodynamic or internal energy. The programme is designed as an int...roduction to the thermodynamics block of the course and is principally concerned with the development of basic thermodynamic concepts and notation which will be used throughout course.
Metadata describing this Open University video programme
Module code and title: ST294, Principles of chemical processes
Item code: ST294; 06
First transmission date: 1975
Published: 1975
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Duration: 00:23:39
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Producer: Barrie Whatley
Contributors: Robert Ross; Kiki Warr
Publisher: BBC Open University
Keyword(s): Chemical process; Energy; Internal energy; System; Thermodynamic concepts; Thermodynamic energy
Master spool number: 6HT/71477
Production number: 00525_1158
Videofinder number: 2754
Available to public: no