video record
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The sixth of Michael Sandel's famous lectures on the philosophy of justice looks at the Greek philosopher Aristotle and the rules of golf. Aristotle believed that the purpose of politics was to pro...mote and cultivate the virtue of a country's citizenry. He argued that those citizens who contribute most to the purpose of the community are the ones who should be most rewarded. But how do we really know the purpose of a community, or a practice? All this leads to a contemporary debate about golf and the case of Casey Martin, a disabled golfer who sued the PGA after it declined his request to use a golf cart on the PGA Tour. What really is the purpose of golf and is a player's ability to walk the course essential to the game?
Metadata describing this Open University video programme
Series: Justice
First transmission date: 01-03-2011
Original broadcast channel: BBC4
Published: 2011
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Duration: 00:28:16
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Producer: Julian Mercer
Contributor: Michael Sandel
Publisher: BBC Open University
Link to related site: BBC Website:
OU Website:
Production number: FKAJ086R
Videofinder number: 82002
Available to public: no