video record
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In the second episode, Liz looks at the positive and negative effects of the skin pigment melatonin, pondering its evolutionary role in allowing humans to populate the darker northern areas of our ...planet. Dallas attempts to prime the minds of every one visiting the science museum, not only to make them change the speed at which they walk, but to temporarily improve their cognitive function. Dr Yan manages to override both the body's vestibular system and muscle proprioceptors, by playing with people's vision - to the point where they fall over! And Jem re-invents the wheel, with the help of a few equations and some catenary curves.
Metadata describing this Open University video programme
Series: Bang goes the theory; Series 3
Episode 2
First transmission date: 15-09-2010
Published: 2010
Rights Statement:
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Duration: 00:28:30
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Producer: Catherine McCarthy
Contributors: Liz Bonnin; Dallas Campbell; Jem Stansfield; Yan Wong
Publisher: BBC Open University
Link to related site: BBC Website:
OU Website:
Keyword(s): Square wheels.
Subject terms: Catenary; Melatonin--Physiological effect; Proprioception; Psychology--Experiments; Skateboards--Design and construction; Sunburn; Vestibular Apparatus; Wheels
Production number: FKAM572T
Videofinder number: 81852
Available to public: no