video record
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After nearly five thousand miles, the Hairy Bikers reach the last leg of their Bake-ation which takes them through northern Spain. Their journey starts in San Sebastian where they get stuck in to t...he local cuisine with pinchos (tapas gone large!), a traditional Basque dining club and goose barnacles, a challenging local delicacy. They bake up a storm too, in the form of a pan rustico (traditional bread), a fabulous Basque chicken pie and a seafood empanada, packed with locally caught fish. But that's not all. They also learn the secret properties of spelt, Europe's forgotten grain and use it to bake not only bread but a giant spelt sausage roll, packed with chorizo. In Galicia, they join in local celebrations - a quiemada - which involve flaming liquour and an ancient pagan ceremony. Their 5000 mile adventure ends in Santiago de Compostela with a spectacular firework display to celebrate the 800th anniversary of St James. Great food and great company, the Spanish leg is a fitting end to the Hairy Bikers brilliant Bake-ation.
Metadata describing this Open University video programme
Series: Hairy Bikers' bakeation
First transmission date: 2012
Published: 2012
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Duration: 00:58:49
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Producer: Oliver Clark
Presenters: Simon King; David Myers
Contributors: Simon King; David Myers
Publisher: BBC Open University
Production number: FKAN558F
Videofinder number: 82378
Available to public: no