video record
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Jem witnesses the awesome power of rockets with the Bloodhound land speed record project, Yan re-enacts an Ancient Greek experiment to measure the Earth's circumference with a couple of sticks, and... Dallas goes in search of a robot to call his own.
Metadata describing this Open University video programme
Series: Bang goes the theory; Series 5
Episode 3
First transmission date: 29-08-2011
Published: 2011
Rights Statement:
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Duration: 00:29:08
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Producer: Paul King
Presenters: Liz Bonnin; Dallas Campbell; Jem Stansfield; Yan Wong
Contributors: Liz Bonnin; Dallas Campbell; Daniel Jubb; Jem Stansfield; Sethu Vijayakumar; Blay Whitby; Yan Wong
Publisher: BBC Open University
Link to related site: BBC Website:
OU Website:
Production number: FKAO483L
Videofinder number: 82349
Available to public: no