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In this provocative new series, Bettany Hughes tells the stories of the extraordinary women whose legends and lives cast new light on some of the hottest arguments about the role of women in religi...on today. And drawing on cutting edge scholarship and archaeological evidence, she reveals what her favourite women in religion tell us about the lives of the real flesh and blood women of their day. In the last episode of Divine Women, Bettany Hughes looks at Theodora, the prostitute who became an empress and allied herself with Mary the Mother of God to rule over a great Christian empire. She also looks at the legacy of the wives of the prophet Mohammad: Khadija, the first convert to Islam and Aisha, whose words are still read by over two billion men and women today. Her focus then turns to Wu Zetien - a courtesan who harnessed the power of Buddhism to become the only women to rule China as Emperor - and St. Hilda who presided over the crucial conference, the Synod of Whitby, which decided when Christians in Britain celebrate Easter.
Metadata describing this Open University video programme
Series: Divine women
First transmission date: 19-04-2012
Published: 2012
Rights Statement:
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Duration: 00:58:08
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Producer: Leonie Jameson
Screenwriter: Bettany Hughes
Presenter: Bettany Hughes
Publisher: BBC Open University
Link to related site: Website:
Subject terms: Women in Buddhism; Women in Christianity; Women in Islam
Production number: FKAO973D
Videofinder number: 82570
Available to public: no