video record
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This programme looks at the pricing strategies of a retailer (cycle clothes, cycles and accessories), a services provider (television product promotion) and a manufacturer (precision engineering). ...It asks about market and cost related rpicing, about changing prices and about negotiation skills.
Metadata describing this Open University video programme
Item code: P788; VCR12
First transmission date: 1990
Published: 1990
Rights Statement:
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Duration: 00:25:00
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Producer: Ann Pointon
Contributors: Khalid Aziz; Jill Cochrane
Publisher: BBC Open University
Keyword(s): Cirencester; Design; Folding; Pricing strategies; Related pricing; Shop; Strida Ltd
Subject terms: Bicycles--Design and construction; Market development
Master spool number: HOU6326
Production number: FOUP334R
Videofinder number: 3117
Available to public: no