video record
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1. The great iron and steel rollercoaster -- 2. Copper: resources and reserves -- 3. Resource geology -- 4. Stones for building -- 5. Rocks for roads -- 6. Water for a city
Metadata describing this Open University video programme
Module code and title: S268, Physical resources and environment
Item code: S268; VCRA
First transmission date: 1995
Published: 1995
Rights Statement:
Restrictions on use:
Duration: 02:59:46
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Track listing:
track listing for this programme
Track 1 1. The great iron and steel rollercoaster
Track 2 2. Copper: resources and reserves
Track 3 3. Resource geology
Track 4 4. Stones for building
Track 5 5. Rocks for roads
Track 6 6. Water for a city
Producer: David Jackson
Contributor: Andrew Bell
Publisher: BBC Open University
Keyword(s): Building materials; Iron manufacture; Mineralisation; Mining; Quarries; Water supply
Master spool number: DOU7884
Production number: FOUS718E
Videofinder number: 5002
Available to public: no