video record
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The history of beans from its origins to the beans we eat today
Metadata describing this Open University video programme
First transmission date: 2003
Published: 2003
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Duration: 00:28:55
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Producer: Lisa MacHale
Contributors: Ann Butler; Alan Coxon; Maurice Drake; Rose Elliot; Paul Gaylor; Azmina Govindju; Anissa Helou; Albertina Hinton; Matthew Huxtable; Madhur Jaffrey; Nigel Lusby; Namita Panjabi; Kathy Sykes; Robin Walker; Margreet Westerhuis
Publisher: BBC Open University
Link to related site: Website:
Subject terms: Food--Great Britain--History
Production number: JOUA297D
Videofinder number: 6765
Available to public: no