video record
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The view from the top of business. The Bottom Line cuts through confusion, statistics and spin to present a clearer view of the business world, through discussion with people running leading and em...erging companies. Evan Davis is joined by a panel of top business guests to discuss those silly bits of paper and metal we call money. Surely someone can invent a better way to pay for things? And he also asks what companies are doing to look after their low-income consumers. Evan is joined by Antony Jenkins, chief executive of credit card company Barclaycard, Jim McCarthy chief executive of the UK chain Poundland and Chris Dedicoat, European president of Cisco the world's largest producer of computer network equipment.
Metadata describing this Open University video programme
Series: The bottom line; Series 3
Episode 6
First transmission date: 31-10-2009
Published: 2009
Rights Statement:
Restrictions on use:
Duration: 00:24:45
Note: BBC News Channel Version
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Producer: Neil Koenig
Presenter: Evan Davis
Contributor: Evan Davis
Publisher: BBC Open University
Link to related site: Website:
Subject terms: Business enterprises--Finance; Economics; Low-income consumers; Money; Payment
Production number: JOUA553R
Videofinder number: 81558
Available to public: no